Assessing fire risk using the FMECA method in southern Sidi Bel Abbes (Western Algeria)
wildfire, FMECA, prevention, riskAbstract
Forest fires are a major threat to forest ecosystems and local economies, with conventional prevention and firefighting methods often proving inadequate due to the complexity of forest environments. This study aims to enhance fire prevention in the Khoudida Forest using Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMECA). It identified ten critical indicators that influence fire risk. Among these, three indicators penetrability, floristic composition, and preventive management are particularly crucial, with criticality scores of 18, 12, and 18, respectively. In terms of risk severity, 60% of identified failure modes had severe impacts, and 40% were moderately severe. The frequency of occurrence showed 50% of modes were frequent, while 40% occurred at a moderate rate. Most risks (90%) exhibited medium to low detectability, emphasizing the difficulty in early detection.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Mayssara EL BOUHISSI , Mohammed GHEFAR, Salah Eddine Bachir BOUIDJRA, Khéloufi BENABDELI

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