Characterization of isolated colonies of honey bees (Apis mellifera intermissa), in Northern Algeria by classical morphometry approach


  • Radjaa KHEDIM University of Tlemcen
  • Yasmina Farah Halfaoui 1Biology Department, Faculty SNV/STU, University of Tlemcen
  • Rida Mohammed Mediouni 2Laboratory of Applied genetic in agriculture, ecology and public health, Biology Department, Faculty SNV/STU, University of Tlemcen
  • Semir Bechir Suheil Gaouar 2Laboratory of Applied genetic in agriculture, ecology and public health, Biology Department, Faculty SNV/STU, University of Tlemcen



Apis mellifera, characterization, classical morphometry, conservation, diversity


Bees (Apis mellifera L.), Eusocial hymenoptera insects, are a fundamental world resource. In fact, these creatures are dangerously threatened. Thus, this study, has a high-priority to thoroughly understand the Algerian bee populations and establish an adequate management and a rigorous plan to save these species. The present study, consists of determining the possible ecotypes of honeybees in north of Algeria through different approaches.  Initially, a typological characterization, a survey is carried out among beekeepers, the survey concerns a number of parameters including the situation and the management of bee colonies., additionally a morphometric method is performed on a set of 445 worker bees sampled at 30 hives in different locations: Bejaia, Blida, Jijel, Mila, Setif, Skikda, Tipaza, Constantine, Batna, and Cheffa. Morphometrics took in consideration are fifteen 15 parameters selected as stated by Ruttner et al. (1978) and measured by laboratory tools. statistical analysis results revealed a biogeographic variation within the honey bee colonies targeted at the northern Algerian level. All the results obtained made it possible to discriminate them among local populations and reveal a significant variation which may reflect a salient genetic diversity in groups. In short, this study targets the characterization action of the local race on a genetic standpoint so it can serve as harbingers in adopting the appropriate strategies for the conservation of Algeria's local race besides its diversity management.


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How to Cite

KHEDIM, R., Halfaoui, Y. F., Mediouni , R. M., & Gaouar, S. B. S. (2023). Characterization of isolated colonies of honey bees (Apis mellifera intermissa), in Northern Algeria by classical morphometry approach. Genetics & Biodiversity Journal, 7(2), 163–176.



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