Sustainable development between international endeavors and actual application - a study of the Algerian experience in the exploitation of solar energy


  • zakia kessas


Sustainable development, environmental pollution, renewable energies


Despite the technological development experienced by the world, many environmental problems have emerged in recent years, which have become afflicting the entire world due to the exacerbation of the effects of these problems on the planet and the future of humanity, and despite the multiplicity of these problems, they have recently become all under the name of "environmental pollution". The major industrialized countries were aware of the importance of preserving the environment, including the atmosphere, due to the multiplicity of pollution sources that lead to harming the environment, and proceeded to pass laws binding on countries to reduce pollution operations and spread the principle of sustainable development, which enables the satisfaction of the needs of current generations and their well-being (including the poor among them) without compromising the ability of future generations to satisfy their needs, taking into consideration the challenges of preserving ecosystems and the limited renewable natural resources. Which leads to thinking about the possibility of using energy derived from renewable sources that are inexhaustible and replenished day after day and therefore these sources must be derived from natural resources


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How to Cite

kessas . ز. (2022). Sustainable development between international endeavors and actual application - a study of the Algerian experience in the exploitation of solar energy. Revue d’Economie Et De Management, 18(1), 53–84. Retrieved from