Requirements for adopting the industrial cluster strategy as a means to achieve economic diversification in Algeria


  • Shourouk hadouche
  • amina toumi
  • Abdellatif habi


Industrial clusters, small and medium enterprises, risks, the experience of the Siberian barn, Sidi Abdallah


The adoption of the industrial cluster strategy in many countries has contributed to supporting and developing small and medium enterprises, and helping them to overcome their problems arising from their small size. The clusters represent an opportunity for the business to enter new markets and benefit from the results of research, studies and various services. Clusters benefit enterprises in improving their productivity, increasing their creativity and the ability to create new enterprises, and they are considered a distinctive method in acquiring external economies of scale that effectively contribute to reducing costs and gaining a competitive advantage. In this regard, this study came to stand at Algeria’s experience in the field of industrial clusters and to try to develop strategies to adopt and develop this policy, through which many advantages can be achieved to face the dangers faced by small and medium enterprises in Algeria, especially what Algeria witnessed recently. The latter, after the collapse of oil prices, which made the state in a critical position, must find an alternative to advance its economy.


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How to Cite

hadouche . ش., toumi ا. ., & habi . ع. ا. . (2022). Requirements for adopting the industrial cluster strategy as a means to achieve economic diversification in Algeria. Revue d’Economie Et De Management, 18(1), 28–52. Retrieved from