Theoretical Framework Of Green Marketing: Marketing Mix Strategies And Challenges


  • Leila METALI


Green Marketing, Marketing Mix, Green product, Marketing Myopia, Greenwashing


Recently corporate social responsibility towards environmental protection has gained great importance, and many companies are aware of environmental issues. Thus, marketers have adopted the concept of green marketing which primarily advocates sustainable development, by offering products that satisfy consumers needs or wants, with no harm to the environment. This paper attempts to introduce the concept and challenges of green marketing, its importance in achieving sustainable development and presenting green marketing mix strategies. We concluded that green marketing faces a lot of challenges, as it is entirely a new concept which will take a lot of time and effort to be accepted. Therefore, it requires focusing on long-term benefits, and avoiding unethical practices such as greenwashing or misleading advertising, as well as taking the responsibility of making consumers understand the need for and benefits of green products to maintain a cleaner and greener environment.


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How to Cite

METALI , . L. (2022). Theoretical Framework Of Green Marketing: Marketing Mix Strategies And Challenges. Revue d’Economie Et De Management, 19(2 Special), 236–247. Retrieved from