Improving BaImproving Banking Credit Decision by Using Expert Systems


  • ABLA Rouabah


credit, credit risk, credit decision, expert systems, Artificial intelligence;


The aim from this study is to highlight Expert systems, as an important part of the artificial intelligence applications, is becoming more oriented to the economic activities, where the uses of Information Technology as well as Decision Support Systems are becoming more involved.
The banking credit decision is more sensible and require support with such intelligent models, expert systems are used for the purpose of helping the decision maker towards the achievement of effective and efficient decisions, Furthermore, the user can modify, change and improve expert systems easily , in order to manage related risks to the banking loans.


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How to Cite

Rouabah ع. (2022). Improving BaImproving Banking Credit Decision by Using Expert Systems. Revue d’Economie Et De Management, 19(2 Special), 138–149. Retrieved from