Analysis of the economic effects of the customs union in light of activating the process of economic integration
Customs union, economic integration, economic effects, trade exchange, production efficiencyAbstract
This research aims to shed light on the most important economic effects resulting from the formation of the customs union of the member states in light of the activation of the economic integration zone, as regional integration largely eliminates customs and non-tariff barriers and leads to the liberalization of trade restrictions. And it has a positive impact on production. And trade and investment, as economic integration is a key factor in the development of trade exchange in the long run, as well as in achieving economic development on a large scale. And the effectiveness of this economic integration is measured through the apparent improvements in intra- and foreign trade, and we have concluded through the research that stimulating trade exchange between the member states of the Customs Union will lead to an increase in trade exchange among its members and an increase in production specialization, and Reducing prices, increasing quality and production efficiency, in addition to increasing the market space and improving its efficiency.
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