
  • Aicha Bouchikhi


quality, TQM, organizational change, human resources, staff involvement.


Total Quality has radically changed the nature of practices resulting in many changes within the business and in society. In order to provide products according to the aspirations of their customers, it has become necessary for companies to adapt to reality by adopting a quality approach. Also, with the development of the importance of human capital compared to financial capital, quality management can no longer focus only on production or design, but it has become necessary for total quality to put the management of human resources among its priorities because of the importance of sharing these resources in achieving results and facilitating action. In this framework, the processes on which the quality management system is based apply to production as well as to recruitment, training, career path and competency management


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How to Cite

Bouchikhi, . A. (2022). TOTAL QUALITY AND ORGANIZATIONALCHANGE: THEIR IMPACT ON HUMAN RESOUCES MANAGEMENT. Revue d’Economie Et De Management, 18(2), 110–121. Retrieved from