Marketing innovation challenge: the effective role it plays in creating value for the customer


  • sidi mohamed benachenhou


Marketing Innovation, Market Orientation, Performance Marketing, Perceived Value, Technology.


Marketing has the role of amplifying the voice of the customer with the aim of directing the effective innovation activities by meeting these requirements. However, In this work, we will first study the complex relationship between marketing and innovation, using
- The theory of entrepreneurship, which was supported by Hayek, (1945) and VonMises (2006) by the fact that this entrepreneurial market process allows companies to put resources to their use, to create a higher value for the customer and enter into growth trajectories and stimulates innovation and
prosperity.- and we will introduce the concept of business models which describes a value proposition for the customer, as a mechanism for capturing value for the supply of companies and which induces systematic investment by companies in R & D, and which describes a proposal for
customer value, as an approach to align marketing and innovation activities.


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How to Cite

benachenhou س. م. (2022). Marketing innovation challenge: the effective role it plays in creating value for the customer. Revue d’Economie Et De Management, 18(1), 100–123. Retrieved from