The causal relationship between unemployment and a range of variables in Algeria (1962-2015)


  • nassira Oubakhti


Public expenditure, unemployment, higher education, education, vocational training,, standard analysis


Based on previous studies, the causal relationship that may exist
between unemployment (TC) as a dependent variable and the following:
education expenditure, higher education expenditure, vocational training
expenses, gross domestic product per capita, number of enrolled students in
education, In vocational training as independent variables that can give a
significant interpretation of unemployment, based on the eviews8 program forprocessing time series where the period between 1962-2015.The analysis shows the relative effect of public spending on the three sectors. The1% increase in public spending leads to a decrease of 0.23% in education, a 1.5%drop in higher education and a 4.42% decrease in vocational training. As for the
gross domestic product per capita, it was negative and its rise by 1% leads to adecrease in unemployment by 1.85%.


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How to Cite

Oubakhti . ن. (2022). The causal relationship between unemployment and a range of variables in Algeria (1962-2015). Revue d’Economie Et De Management, 18(1), 147–164. Retrieved from