Determinants of the minimum wage in Algeria -an econometric analytical study for the period (1980-2015).
minimum wage, minimum wage theories, minimum wage determinants, times series analysis methodsAbstract
This study aims to demonstrate the relationship between the basic wage (SMIG) in Algeria and these determinants precisely in the period (1980-2015), and for that we went through everything concerning the SMIG through these determinants , the second step was to make a comparison between previous studies where the base salary is the common point and draw the results to make the comparison with our current study, the third step was a study on the development of SMIG and these determinants in the same period, then we tried to determine the existing long-term relationship between SMIG, the inflation rate, the unemployment rate and the GDP using the JOHANSEN model, we have ended up concluding that there is indeed an inverse relationship between the rate of inflation and the SMIG unlike the unemployment rate and the GDP seen that the relationship is rather positive and direct, which gets along with the economic theory and the various previous studies.
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