Book of Abstracts

1st International Seminar on Animal Health and Production: Livestock diseases and population medicine in dairy cattle farms


  • Djalel Eddine GHERISSI +213 662638204
  • Amel DJAOUT National Institute of Agronomic Research of Algeria (INRAA), Setif 19000, Algeria



Dairy cattle, Breeding, Health, Production, Biotechnology, Nutrition, Reproduction


The theme of this seminar is to discuss the tools that a good dairy cattle herd veterinarian/zootechnician should acquire if he wants to adapt to the changing needs of the dairy industry and provide population medicine and herd health. In order to respond to the problem and the objective of the 1st SISPA, the following five themes have been proposed to carry out the plenary sessions and communications: T1: Dominant Pathologies in Dairy Cattle Breeding; T2: Population Medicine in Dairy Cattle Breeding; T3: Control and improvement of dairy cattle breeding performance; T4: Economics of dairy cattle breeding; T5: Free communications in animal health and production. Six speakers intervened at the 1st SISPA, whose affiliations and themes are as follows: Conference 1: presented by Pr. Farida BOUZEBDA AFRI, from Mohamed Cherif Messaadia University, Souk Ahras, entitled "State of play and development prospects of the milk sector in Algeria," Conference 2: presented by Pr. Cheristian HANZEN, from the University of Liège, Belgium, entitled "The Postpartum: The Matter of Periods and Pathologies," Lecture 3: Presented by Prof. Curtis YOUNGS from the University of Iowa, USA, titled: "Strategies for Genetic Improvement of Dairy Cattle" Conference 4: presented by Pr. Pierre-Guy MARNET, from the Institut Agro Rennes-Angers (formerly Agrocampus-Ouest), France, entitled: "Status of the stock of milking equipment and milking hygiene practices in Tunisia on milk quality: an example of a mechanization development error that should not be repeated." Lecture 5: presented by Dr. Anwar BELAID, from the University of Barcelona, Spain, and titled "Management of the nutritional status of peripartum dairy cows," Conference 6: presented by Pr. Michel FRANCK, from the National Veterinary School of Lyon, France, entitled "Reflections on the Management of Dairy Cattle Farms," A total of 183 papers were presented during the two days of the seminar. At the end of this seminar, the following recommendations emerge:

  • Identify the cattle herd, list the breeders, and characterize their farms on a national scale.
  • List breeders meeting the criteria for dairy farms according to specifications that include the minimum number of dairy cows, farm parameters, agricultural land, and compliance with health planning.
  • Allocate subsidies and aid to listed breeders.
  • Choice of breeding model and genetics of the dairy cows to be used
  • List all livestock data on media (livestock books or digital devices) in order to ensure traceability, data collection, and processing in order to be able to analyze and make the appropriate decisions for each farm.
  • The local cattle population should be kept pure (in situ or ex situ) and improved through rational cross breeding.
  • Respect good husbandry practices such as nutrition management, especially in the peripartum period, mechanical milking management, and early health and reproduction management.
  • Involve universities and research centers in the management of dairy farms and strengthen the training of veterinarians in population medicine.




How to Cite

GHERISSI, D. E. ., & DJAOUT, A. (2023). Book of Abstracts : 1st International Seminar on Animal Health and Production: Livestock diseases and population medicine in dairy cattle farms. Genetics & Biodiversity Journal, 7(2), 195–371.



Book of Abstracts

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