Descriptive typology and structural analysis of camel farms in the region of El Oued, Algeria


  • Moussa Chergui Laboratory of Diversity of Ecosystems and Dynamics of Agricultural Production Systems in Arid Zones (DEDSPAZA).SE/SNV Faculty. University of Mohamed Kheider, BP 68 Biskra 07000 Algéria
  • Mohammed Titaouine Laboratory of Diversity of Ecosystems and Dynamics of Agricultural Production Systems in Arid Zones (DEDSPAZA).SE/SNV Faculty. University of Mohamed Kheider, BP 68 Biskra 07000 Algéria / Laboratory of Genetics, Biotechnology and Biological Valorization (LGBVB).SE/SNV Faculty. University of Mohamed Kheider, BP 68 Biskra 07000 Algéria.
  • Djalel Eddine GHERISSI +213 662638204



Camel driver, Dromedary camel, Camel husbandry, Livestock system


The purpose of the present study is to determine the different dromedary breeding systems in the El Oued region, located in the southeast of Algeria. It consists of a survey on the composition and structure of camel herds, a socio-economic analysis of breeders, and an evaluation of input levels and supply systems by feeding the camels of the region. To do this, 42 camel farms containing 1,406 camels represent 2.57% of the total population of the study region. The studied farms are distributed over the four regions of the Wilaya of El Oued, namely MihOuansa (19), El Oued (11), Guemar (05), and Magrane (07), with a sampling rate of approximately 46% of the estimated total number of camel herds in these regions, and are visited in order to record the information using the Single-Visit Multiple-Subject Diagnostic Survey (SVMSDS) method supplemented by field observations. The study showed three types of camel drivers according to their mode of habitation and the mobility of the animals, namely, nomads (69.05%), sedentary (16.67%), and semi-sedentary (14.29%). Camel farms in the region are characterized by an average population size of 33.48 camels per breeder, ranging from 9 to 113. The composition of the herds is largely dominated by females mainly adult she-camels aged more than 36 months (52.84%) followed by sub-adult females; 16.79% (24-36 months) and 15.71% (12-24 months), at the end 11.74% of juvenile females (less than 12 months), concerning the share of spawning males is the least represented (02.92%). The study of the age hierarchy of the animals showed that 55.76% of the animals are older than 36 months, 16.79% are aged between 24 and 36 months, 37.45% are younger than 36 months, and at the end, 27.45% are young camels (calves) aged less than 24 months. The survival of the camel herd depends exclusively on the free supply of fodder from natural pastures; food supplementation is occasional and random and depends on the financial situation of the camel farmers. It is largely provided by the state (2 kg of barley per adult camel per day) in the form of subsidies in the winter season. This study highlighted indications that the traditional aspect remains dominant. In addition, we have noticed that there is a perhaps timid and silent trend towards improving driving and productivity.


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How to Cite

Chergui, M., Titaouine, M., & GHERISSI, D. E. . (2023). Descriptive typology and structural analysis of camel farms in the region of El Oued, Algeria. Genetics & Biodiversity Journal, 7(2), 75–93.



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