Measuring financial and banking stability for a sample of public and private commercial banks in algeria during the period 2008-2018


  • asma DERDOUR
  • salima KHOUALDI


Financial and banking stability, Z-score index, public and private commercial bank of algeria.


The study aims to measure and analyze the appropriateness of the z-score index for measuring the possibility of financial failure at Algerien private and public banks by examining the development of the most important financial performance indicators (return on assets (ROA), equity in assets(K)).
The research concludes that all commercial banks of the study sample enjoyed financial stability during the period 2008-2018 according to z-score index .


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How to Cite

DERDOUR . أ., & KHOUALDI . س. . (2022). Measuring financial and banking stability for a sample of public and private commercial banks in algeria during the period 2008-2018. Revue d’Economie Et De Management, 19(2 Special), 49–59. Retrieved from