Employment and Labor Flexibility in SMEs: A Conceptual Framework


  • Naziha FANDI


flexibility, employment/work, PME, adequacy between quantity of work/workforce, precariousness


The current general trend of companies, whether economic or sociological (which is to reduce the cost of labor to overcome the difficulty or even the impossibility of reducing other costs) is expressed by the desire to pay only for the work actually done. , which develops precarious forms of employment and resorts to the outsourcing of activities. By replacing the typical CDI salary link with atypical jobs, the company no longer has to ensure the continuity of employment, nor even the possibility of reducing unemployment. In terms of the labor market, this replacement contrasts stable and fixed employment situations; to precarious and mobile employment situations.


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How to Cite

FANDI, . N. (2022). Employment and Labor Flexibility in SMEs: A Conceptual Framework. Revue d’Economie Et De Management, 18(1), 165–174. Retrieved from https://journals.univ-tlemcen.dz/REM/index.php/REM/article/view/615