Determining Factors of Deferral Decision: A Literature Review


  • Fatna MAACHOU
  • Saïda Tahar Moulay


attraction, compromise, conflict, duration of purchase deliberation, emotions, preferences, , time pressure, , decision rules, purchase delay, information processing


This article examines the determinants of purchase delay decision, that is, different individual and situational reasons that lead consumers to defer their purchasesWe propose in this article, to contribute to the understanding of the purchase
delay decision in marketing and the factors explaining this decision. The methodology is, exclusively, based on a literature review. 



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How to Cite

MAACHOU, F., & Tahar Moulay , S. (2018). Determining Factors of Deferral Decision: A Literature Review. Revue d’Economie Et De Management, 17(1), 01–32. Retrieved from