Socio-economic and Morpho-biometric Characteristics of the Aftout Camel (Camelus dromedarius) in the Trarza Region of Mauritania


  • Mohamed Ould Ahmed Department Production and Animal health, Higher institute of Technical Education- Rosso Mauritanie; research unit of generic ressources and environment (RGE) (Genomics of Animal populations)
  • Youssouf EL HADJ Office National de Recherche et du Développement de l’Elevage et du Pastoralisme (ONARDEP), Nouakchott-Mauritanie
  • Elena CIANI University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, Animal Breeding and Genetics, Department of Biosciences, Biotechnologies and Biopharmaceutics, Via Amendola 165/a 70126 Bari, Italy.



Aftout Dromedary, Breeding practice, Socio-economic, Morpho-biometry, Mauritania


Camels are critically important in the Mauritanian culture and traditions. The study was conducted in May and June 2017 in fifteen localities of two departments of Trarza in Mauritania. The objective was to characterize Aftout camel population from socio-economic and morpho-metric characteristics. A questionnaire was administered to 25 breeders in the study area. Nine morpho-metric measurements were recorded on 104 camels aged 6 years or above. The study showed that camel keeping is a typical men’s activity. All the investigated breeders were men, among which 68% are more than 45 years age, and 84 % has never attended formal education. 80% of the breeders have practiced camel rearing for more than 20 years. The activity was considered a major one, as it contributes more than 75% of the family income for 76% of the breeders. The average zootechnic performances were 5.28±1.64 l/d, 3.48±1.15 years, 5.04±0.84 years, 1.38±0.58 years and 1.6±0.40 years respectively for milk production, age at reproduction of females, age at reproduction of males, age at weaning and duration of lactation. The studied biometric measurements highlighted a marked variability. Four morpho-zoometric indices were estimated, and the average estimated body weight was 352.41±55.12 kg. Based on the obtained results, Aftout camel was characterized by a large diversity of practices, which may be an asset for identifying and orienting the productive potential of various camel types in Mauritania.


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How to Cite

Ould Ahmed, . M. ., EL HADJ, Y., & CIANI, E. (2022). Socio-economic and Morpho-biometric Characteristics of the Aftout Camel (Camelus dromedarius) in the Trarza Region of Mauritania. Genetics & Biodiversity Journal, 6(2), 64–73.



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