Inventory of wildlife in the Tlemcen Hunting Reserve
Tlemcen Hunting Reserve, conservation;, animal;, wildlife.Abstract
The Tlemcen Hunting Reserve (THR) is part of the infrastructure dedicated to the conservation of animal biodiversity. Its objective is to protect and enhance wildlife and to manage the habitats of the species living there. A total of 118 wild species have been inventoried, classified into 19 mammals, 16 reptiles, 5 amphibians, 55 birds, and 23 insects. Among these species, the THR has successfully introduced two wild species: the ostrich (Struthio camelus camelus) and the Barbary sheep (Ammotragus lervia), through effective breeding and reproduction projects. This experience has demonstrated that such breeding can succeed in Algeria, potentially having significant economic impact and offering the possibility of reintroducing species that have disappeared from our wildlife.
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