Author Guidelines
How do I submit an article?
Manuscripts should be submitted electronically via the following link:
When registering, you will be asked to fill in a form whose fields with stars are mandatory: Login (User name), a password, the surnames, first names, functions and affiliations of the main author and co -authors, and specify the corresponding author. Once registered, you will receive a confirmation email.
The file format required for submission is OpenOffice or Microsoft Word.
Authors should ensure that submitted manuscripts are clear and easily understandable, precise and concise.
1/ Typology of articles
An original article is a scientific research article that aims for authenticity and novelty through the results it conveys. The text of the article must not exceed 3500 words and include no more than 40 references. The article must include the following elements:
- Title: complete (no abbreviations), surname(s) and first name(s) of the author(s) and his (their) rank, the institution to which it(s) belong(s) (department, faculty, laboratory, university) and e-mail address of the corresponding author.
The title (in French and in English) must precisely indicate the subject of the work.
- Abstract: must be written in French and English in 12 Times new romans, in a separate page without exceeding 300 words, It must be structured according to IMRAD rules (Introduction, Materials or subjects and Methods, Results, and Discussion) and end with a conclusion.
- Keywords: 3 to 5, in French and English,.
- The text of the article is single-spaced; uses a standard 12 point Times New Romans. All illustrations, figures, and tables are placed in the appropriate places in the text.
The purpose of the scientific synthesis articles is to make a complete review of the medical literature on a specific subject in order to propose new research strategies. They make it possible to publish feedback on public health interventions, in accordance with the usual editorial rules (IMRAD rules).
The text must be limited to 5000 words and the number of references does not exceed 100.
When the summary article is short (mini review), the maximum length of the text (body, bibliography, tables and figures included) includes 3000 to 4000 words of text and 30 to 50 references.
- Systematic review and meta-analysis
The purpose of systematic reviews is to rigorously collect, analyze and synthesize scientific data from original studies answering the same research question. They are of capital importance for the advancement of knowledge, since they make it possible to identify certain gaps and to develop new areas of research.
A meta-analysis is a systematic review of the scientific literature in which the emphasis is on a quantitative (statistical) synthesis of all the publications identified. Its purpose is to highlight the most relevant results by revealing the differences observed. which could not be seen from each item taken separately.
For these, the manuscripts submitted in this section conform to the IMRAD plan. The maximum length of articles (body of the text, bibliography, tables and figures) is 4500 words and 40 references maximum.
Editorials are among the most popular texts in a medical journal. They are usually written by the editorial board or an author of recognized scientific reputation. The editorial should not describe the content of the issue but rather report an opinion, an idea on a specific and topical subject.
For editorials the limit is 2500 words, without summary, figures, illustrations or references.
It repot an original fact: observation of a clinical fact, unexpected therapeutic effect, unexpected side effects.
The case report should include the following:
Introduction (context), presentation of the case (observation), discussion (comparison with data from the literature confronted with the clinical, paraclinical, therapeutic and evolutionary aspects of the case presented) and a conclusion which summarizes the ins and outs of the article.
The text includes a maximum of 2500 words, 20 references, and a maximum of 4 figures.
Teaching article, the focus consists of taking stock of a subject for the purpose of pedagogical synthesis. Less exhaustive than the general review, it is intended to update knowledge on a more limited subject. Apart from a few essential references, the literature analyzed is that of the last five years. The text does not contain more than 3000 words and 40 references.
2/ For all types of articles
- The Tables are numbered in Roman numerals and accompanied by a title (placed Above), must be presented in the order of appearance of the text by calling its number in parentheses and inserted in the manuscript at the end of the article, after the bibliographical references, one table per page.
- Figures and Images must be inserted on a separate page at the end of the text, one figure per page. They are numbered in Arabic numerals (placed below). The legend should clearly indicate the purpose of the figure and specify abbreviations.
- Illustrations will be provided in JPEG, GIF or PNG format with a minimum resolution of 600 dpi. Word format is also acceptable for figures created by scientific software and pasted as Windows or enhanced metafiles.
- Bibliographic references must be cited in the style of "Vancouver" and placed at the end of the text. They are numbered and arranged in the order in which they appear in the text (Arabic numerals). The bibliographic reference is made directly in the text, by the reference number between square brackets [], separated by dashes when it comes to consecutive references, for example [1–3]; and by commas when it comes to non-consecutive references: [1,3].
The number of bibliographic references should not exceed 40.
Authors' names must be cited and written in lowercase, followed by a comma and the mention al; full title of the article; year of publication; title of the journal (abbreviated according to the international nomenclature of the Index Medicus); volume followed by a colon, with a space after the colon, followed by the numbers of the affected pages separated by a hyphen.
References to personal communications, manuscripts in preparation or submitted to journals are only accepted between parentheses in the text and should not appear in the bibliographic list.
examples of bibliographical references for an article
[9] Ricci D, Cowan F, Pane M, et al. Neurological examination at 6 to 9 months in infants with cystic periventricular leukomalacia. Neuropediatrics 2006; 37:247–52. [11]Romeo DM, Cioni M, Scoto M, Mazzone L, Palermo F, Romeo MG. Neuromotor Development in infants with cerebral palsy investigated by the Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination during the first year of age. Eur J PaediatrNeurol 2008; 12:24–31.
3/ Acknowledgments appear at the end of the article, before the references and specify: contributions that require acknowledgment but do not justify a place among the authors, acknowledgments for technical aids.
4/ Conflicts of interest must be indicated at the end of the article.