Dental medicine
- Oral pathology
- Periodontology and oral implantology
- Restorative dentistry and cosmetic dentistry
- Prosthodontics
- Endodontics
- Orthodontics
- Digital dentistry
- Public dental health
- Pediatric dentistry
- Geriatric dentistry
- Pharmaceutical sciences and practices
- Hospital and clinical pharmacy
- Industrial pharmacy
-Dispensary pharmacy
- Biology
- Addictology
- Allergology
- Anatomy and cytopathology
- Anesthesia-reanimation
- Medical Biology
- Cardiology
- Infant surgery
- Maxillofacial surgery
- Orthopedic surgery
- Thoracic and cardiovascular surgery
- Visceral and digestive surgery
- Dermatology and venerology
- Endocrinology-diabetology-nutrition
- Medical genetics
- Gynecology- Obstetric
- Hematology
- Hepato-gastroenterology
- Emergency medicine
- Sports medicine
- General medicine
- Infectious and tropical diseases
- Internal Medicine
- Nuclear medicine
- Physical medicine and rehabilitation
- Nephrology
- Neurology
- Neurosurgery
- Oncology
- Ophthalmology
- Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
- Urology
Fondamental sciences