Weight-loss diets: Descriptive study in the West of Algeria
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State of play, Dieting, overweight, obesity, Western Algeria.

How to Cite

SIDI YAKOUB and al, M. N. . (2023). Weight-loss diets: Descriptive study in the West of Algeria . Medical Focus Journal, 1(2). Retrieved from https://journals.univ-tlemcen.dz/MFJ/index.php/MFJ/article/view/82


Introduction: New dietary strategies such as slimming diets have emerged to prevent metabolic diseases such as overweight and obesity, and this alternative has become popular and widely adopted in recent years. Nevertheless, several scientific studies carried out on weight-loss diets have shown that they can present health risks due to deficiencies in the vitamins and trace elements needed for the body to function properly. Objective: The aim of this study is to establish the current state of the population's knowledge of weight-loss diets in Western Algeria. Methodology: This was a cross-sectional descriptive study carried out over a period of 2 months using a questionnaire. The data collected were analyzed and processed using the following software: Google Forms and Microsoft Excel 2013. Results and discussion: Out of a total of 398 participants ,61% of the participants did not suffer from any disease ,71% of the population had a high body mass index  ,the study showed that 89% of the participants had already followed a weight loss diet ,the diet of 65% of the population was unbalanced, the habit of snacking between meals was observed in 64% of the population; during the weight loss diet, 69% of the population avoided sugary drinks, the feeling of being deprived was very noticeable during the diet as well as fatigue.Conclusion: A healthy, varied diet combined with physical activity is the key to a balanced diet and good health, and it is important to point out that healthcare professionals must provide support and guidance to help people avoid the risks associated with weight-loss diets.

Key words: State of play, Dieting, overweight, obesity, Western Algeria.

PDF (Français (France))


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