Phytochemical study and evaluation of α-Amylase inhibitory effect of extracts from Cistanche violacea Desf.
Diabetes mellitus, Cistanche violacea, α-amylase, phenolic compounds, inhibitory effect.Abstract
Cistanche violacea Desf. is a species of the family Orobanchaceae. It is an angiosperm dicotyledonous holoparasitic plant, which lacks chlorophyll. This work focuses on the search for an inhibitory effect of the enzymatic activity of α-amylase, in the presence of the crude water-methanol extract, of the underground part of C. violacea, prepared by maceration or decoction and its ethyl acetate fractions. Qualitative phytochemical tests and quantitative assays of phenolic compounds of the prepared extracts were performed. The effect of each extract on the activity of the α-amylase enzyme was evaluated under optimal conditions (pH 6.9 and T° 37°C). The results of phytochemical tests revealed the presence of tannins, flavonoids, free quinones, terpenoids and reducing compounds. The determination of phenolic compounds showed that the ethyl acetate extract prepared by maceration was the richest in total polyphenols and flavonoids with contents of the order of 82.937±6.750μg EqGA/mg D.W and 112.345±25.719μg EqC/mg D.W respectively. While the crude hydromethanolic extract prepared by maceration presented the highest content of condensed tannins (525.5±77.5μg EqC/mg D.W). On the other hand, the ethyl acetate extract prepared by decoction of the underground part of C. violacea showed a better inhibitory activity of the α-amylase enzyme, with IC50 value of 1.88 mg/ml, compared to the other extracts tested. This activity remains low compared to acarbose (IC50 = 0.132 mg/ml). We concluded that the roots of C. violacea exerts an inhibitory effect on α-amylase activity and thus on the regulation of hyperglycemia through a decrease in intestinal glucose absorption
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