Detection of prohibited substances in food supplements commercialized in Algeria
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Methyl paraben, Food supplements, Tadalafil

How to Cite

BAROUDI and al, F. (2023). Detection of prohibited substances in food supplements commercialized in Algeria. Medical Focus Journal, 1(2). Retrieved from


Food supplements as defined in European regulations are foodstuffs whose purpose is to supplement the normal diet. The composition of these supplements is regulated in Europe. Indeed, the list of nutrients (vitamins, minerals, etc.), substances for nutritional or physiological purposes as well as additives authorized in the formulation of food supplements are well regulated by European regulations. In addition, food supplements are not considered as drugs, must not contain pharmacologically active ingredients and are not intended to prevent or cure a disease. However, counterfeits may occur in order to improve their effect or their conservation by fraudulently using prohibited substances. Indeed, we were able to determine the presence of Para-, methyl hydroxybenzoate (methyl paraben E 218), prohibited for use in Europe in food supplements, in a gel used as a gastric dressing. This additive was not mentioned on the labeling of the analyzed product. We were also able to determine the presence of Tadalafil, a drug called phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor which is used in the treatment of erectile dysfunction, in an aphrodisiac preparation made with honey. The consequences of these fraudulent practices can be very serious on the health of consumers, particularly if they have underlying pathologies. The extraction of the samples was carried out by QUECHERS method, and the analysis was carried out by gas chromatography mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography coupled with UV detector with diode arrays.

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